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.   BIZ WIZ  Analytics 'Bookie 500' is a Strategic Book Keeping Business Tool, which aids in the calculation of sound Financial Records necessary for managing fully the liquidity of a start-up or established venture. It serves the purpose of helping to manage the cash-flow of the business, as well as the periodical management of the business in line with an outlined strategy.
  The Book Keeping Software allows for the production of clear ledger entries with the advantage of being able to exclude the need for hiring a bookkeeper to document and complete the respective ledger entries. It is a non-tedious and non-complex tool in its usage and understanding.

Allo SBT's BIZ WIZ Analytics tools helps thousands of business analysts, data modellers and corporate planners to understand the impact of their process in realising competitive advantage by linking people, process and technology.

Components Of The Tool:

  • Sales Ledger

  • Pipeline Sales Sheet

  • Debtors Sheet

  • Payment Sheet

  • Credit Note Sheet

  • Ring Fencing Sheet

  • Sales Sheet

  • Sales vs. Payments Sheet

  • Debtors vs. Creditors Sheet

  • Sales vs. Purchases Sheet

  • Purchase Ledger
  • Creditors Sheet

  • Payment Sheet

  • Ring Fencing Sheet

  • Purchases Sheet

  • Data Sheet

  • Salaries
  • Customer Accounts
  • Cheque Reconciliation
  • Invoice Configuration
  • Invoicing

  • Invoice Configuration

  • Customer Accounts

  • Invoice Template

  • Bank Account

  • Funding Sheet

  • Journal Sheet

  • Chart Sheet

Features Of The Tool:

Aged Debtors Ledger

The critical value provided by BOOKIE 500, is in creating an aged referencing of sales transactions from date of conception. The period inwhich the transaction is executed is reflected in the periodical movement on the ledger until a payment is received. Hence, it takes away the headache of trying to keep track of all monies owed. On receipt of relevant payment, an entry into the ledger not only confirms when the payment was made, but also confirms that the bill has either been part of fully settled by the respective paid amount.


Aged Creditors Ledger

Reflective of the Aged Debtors Ledger, the Aged Creditors Ledger in its own instance creates an aged referencing of purchase transactions from date of conception. The period inwhich the transaction is executed is reflected in the periodical movement on the ledger until a payment is made. Hence, it takes away the headache of trying to keep track of all monies actually paid. On receipt of relevant creditors invoice, an entry into the ledger is made. The ledger not only confirms when the payment was made, but also confirms that the bill has either been part of fully settled by the respective paid amount.


Invoice Template

The tedious process often required to put together an invoice for a respective customer/client is completely overriden. Once the relevant entries have been entered onto the sales ledger, the associated invoice number is simply entered on the invoice template. This simply culls up all the relevant and respective information relating to the specific customer/client with that particular transaction.


Bank Account

The trouble encountered in keeping track of the actual cash position at any given time is simplified. If all relevant and respective credit and debit entries are registered correctly, the amount on the bank account sheet should match that on an actual bank statement. Discrepancies such as interest payments as well as bank charges should also be recorded to avoid resulting discrepancies in reconciling both accounts.

Benefits Of The Tool:  

  • Takes away the headache encountered in keeping tabs on overdue debtors and creditors

  • Aids in determining the liquidity of the business

  • Assists in determining the best option for a collection strategy with regards to debtors

  • Non Costly

  • Interactive

  • Allows payment terms assessment. Hence, a means of assessing the best possible route to achieve the maximisation of cash-inflows.

  • It is a bespoke solution and therefore can be modified to suit any respective business.

  • Allows for the better management of cash flows.

  • Allows for the easy estimation of capital requirement if needed.

  • Contains graphical representation of sales vs payments, debtors vs creditors, sales vs purchases.

  • Enables a timely understanding of the business process from point of transaction to receipt of payment.

Corporate Edition – License Agreements are applicable:  Pricing is Subject to Requirements.

Available within package: 12 month assessment - ‘Sales Ledger Statement/Aged Debtors Report’ and ‘Cash In- Flow Statement’, ‘Purchase Ledger Statement/Aged Creditors Report’ and ‘Cash Out- Flow Statement’

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